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Chair of Healthcare Management and Health Services Research

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Our teaching portfolio comprises continuously updated and interdisciplinary oriented courses designed to prepare students for leading roles/positions in science, health insurances associations and companies in the health care industry. In this context, the transformational pressure on the health systems necessitates a constant update and adaptations of the teaching portfolio.

This has been accomplished in recent years through the development of new teaching courses as for instance on health business models that gives a deep understanding of business models and strives to enable students to analyze them in very detail and learn how new business models can be put together. Thereby, the main focus lies on new digital business models within the entire healthcare system. Medical decision making takes a closer look at diagnostics as well as patient safety aspects and how decisions are influenced by regulations, stakeholder and ethics.

Furthermore, we are concerned with the regulatory framework that strongly influences the health care system as a whole and the way it is executed. The German health system is mainly controlled by regulatory framework conditions, which also have a deep influence on the operational level of healthcare execution. Therefore, the bachelor course on German health law includes a general overview (selected chapters on pharmaceutical care, private health insurance, statutory health insurance with a focus on the social code book V), and places selected regulations, e. g. on reimbursement procedures for hospitals or pharmaceutical products, in an health economic context. This course corresponds to a master course on health policy, which focuses on the legislative perspective and the connection between health economics as well as development and adaptation of health law in Germany and the EU.

Furthermore, it takes a closer look at the executive, policy related advocacy, lobbying and public relation. The theoretical principles are based on public choice theory (e. g. bureaucracy, associations) and new institutional economics. This enables new insights into system transformation, regulation and impact on healthcare providers as well as care and business models. As health economic decision-making involves quantitative information about diseases, epidemiology is another important part of our portfolio. It not only allows better understanding of frequency and distribution of diseases but also a better understanding of clinical epidemiology with a particular focus on evidence levels and evidence generation. The development and implementation of innovations in practice to improve medical care in general and under everyday conditions are illustrated in teaching insights into health services research and means of various business models.

In addition, courses in pharmacoeconomics are part of our portfolio. It starts with an introduction to the “tangible” product pharmaceuticals, pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. We offer a bachelor course on basic methodologies applied in pharmacoeconomics. The master course in pharmacoeconomics, held in English, allows students to further deepen their specific evaluation methodologies. These specific methodologies include both patient reported outcomes (PRO) and advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) such as cell and gene therapies with their specific challenges to funding and reimbursement procedures. The tutorials are primarily based on the AMNOG process in Germany and aim to understand the configuration and coordination of the assessment process using publicly available value dossiers and ruling as provided by the Federal Joint Committee (GBA). Connected disciplines of clinical research, epidemiology, biostatistics and regulation play a key role. New approaches, such a real-world evidence, are discussed. The link between issues such as big data and health services represents a topic. Selected research studies in health care, primarily on type II diabetes and breast cancer, help students to reflect on the theoretical approach.

Current courses are listed below:

Winter term:

Target audienceCourse
BachelorPricing on the Healthcare Market
BachelorPharmacoeconomics I
MasterSelected business models for medical care
MasterEpidemiology and Biostatistics
MasterSpecific aspects of medical care / Health Services Research
Bachelor & MasterSeminar Healthcare Industry (BA & MA)

Summer term:

Target audience       Course

Introduction to the Health Economic Context of the German health
law with focus on SGB V

MasterHealth Politics
MasterPharmacoeconomics II (English)
Bachelor & MasterSeminar Healthcare Industry (BA & MA)

You will find current information on the courses offered at the University of Bayreuth under CAMPUSonline and in the e-Learning system of the University of Bayreuth. Details on the Health Economics course can be found on its portal page.

Please also note the following additional information:

Guide to scientific writingHide

Find the guide for scientific work here.


Seminars will be announced at the end of the lecture period and managed via CAMPUSonline. Typically, registration for a seminar takes place at the end of the semester, and processing takes place during the lecture-free period. Submission and seminar session are at the beginning of the following semester. Please note that a seminar is always evaluated for the semester in which the submission takes place. Please also note our guidelines for scientific work.

Degree thesesHide

The following topics are currently of particular interest. It is desirable to set an individual focus within these areas if possible. The applicant may also submit his/her own research questions. Please direct your enquiry to lmv@uni-bayreuth.de .

Here you will find the topics of the theses.

Webmaster: Lena Schinner

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